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                                              Click here if you want to see who helped us work on the banners 

1.   Wyndham Park


Wyndham Park was originally donated to the people of Grantham by the Crown.  Originally known as Belton Fields, then Slate Mill Recreation Ground it became Wyndham Park in 1924 named after Lt Hon, William Reginald Wyndham, 1st Life Guards, killed in action in 1914.  It became the Town’s War Memorial Park and was officially opened in 1924 by Wyndham’s mother, Lady Leconfield who donated £1,000 to the Memorial Fund.

The Arch leading to the park was build in 1935 for George V’s Silver Jubilee and stands on land that would have been marched over by many thousands of World War One Soldiers on their way to and from training quarters based at nearby Belton Camp.  The Memorial, incorporated public conveniences, was opened by the retiring Mayor of Grantham, Lord Brownlow on the 8th November 1935.

To this day the park includes a number of war memorials and in 1989, a weather vane was added to the top of the arch by George Musson (1926-2014) depicting soldiers going to war.

The rooms on either side of the arch were converted to storage space in 2005.

At one time, the park hosted a lido with the original swimming pool now converted into a Model Boating Lake.  The original bathing place was established in 1886 and was the oldest feature of the park even before it was known as Slate Mill recreation ground.

The Slate Mill (also called the North Mill) was still standing and in use up until 1892 when a fire destroyed it. The great floods of 1922 destroyed the bride and improvements to the sluice gates and a much grander bridge was built which stands to this day and is locally known as the ‘white bridge’.  The bridge was constructed and designed by Yorks Hennibique Co and Messrs along with A E Brown & Co, Grantham.  It has become a Grantham landmark over the years.

A memorial shelter was built in 1929 and here you can find a memorial plaque to all Grantham military personnel killed in World War One.

A ticket office was built in 1930s using reclaimed material from the Old Library

An old favourite with children was an Aveling and Porter 10392 steam roller. It belonged to Eddison Plant in Grantham and was donated in 1963 for the children of Grantham to play on however it was removed after 41 years due to Health & Safety concerns.

2008 saw the concept of a Sensory Garden for the park but it took until 2009 for the project to receive funding and planning begin.  The design was created by Tim Metcalfe-Kemp, an experienced horticulturalist and landscaper.

The design originally featured the Horse Chestnut tree as a focal point however, due to the tree being diseased this needed to be rethought.  AS the tree was grown from a seedling from the original Horse Chestnut from 1924 it was decided that it would be better to turn the diseased tree into a sculpture rather than just remove it.  The sculpture is still visible and was created by Nigel Sardeson in 2010 and is in homage to Sir Isaac Newton, showing a hand holding an apple made fro Elm. The apple is carved with the contours of the world on its surface.

The garden has a pergola planted with scented flowers of roses, clematis and honeysuckle.  There are herbs in the garden of lavender, rosemary, fennel, thyme, sage and mint whilst areas of gravel with Lincolnshire Stone boulders  purple and green slate create different sounds and tactile structures  

During 2018 the park underwent substantial refurbishment funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.  This created a new visitors centre, enhanced landscaping and refurbishment of the memorial buildings, restoring the park back to it’s intended World War One Memorial Park status.

A new memorial sculpture was designed by Grantham College student Daniel Fay and inspired by the locally based Machine Gun Corps. It was made by local sculptor David Sharpe.

For more information on Wyndham Park please go to


This banner was created by Grantham College students, Jessica Farrad, Katelyn Miller, TJ Young, Monika Czyzak, Luanda Zondo.

2. St Wulfram’s Church

The banner shows the changing footprint of the church from 1100 to 1873. The mark of the Wools Staple, The Trigg Library, The Hippo Gargoyle, The Dooms Day Book, The Font, The Spire, which was the tallest building in the country when it was built in 1300.


For more information on St Wulfram’s Church please go to


This banner was created by visitors to the church who wanted to take part

3. Angel and Royal Hotel

Famous visitors

The Angel and Royal Hotel is aptly named as it has a history of being visited by royalty.

23rd February 1213, two years before the signing of the Magna Carta,  King John

During the 14th Century King Edward III and his wife Queen Phillipa of Hainault

King Richard III

14 March 1469 King Edward IV

17 May 1633 King Charles I

Several visits by King George IV

1643 Oliver Cromwell

1866 Prince of Wales (Edward VII)


The Angel and Royal Hotel, originally the Angel Inn, is one of the oldest hostelries in England having been in situ for over 800 years.  Much of the original buildings remain and it has tried to maintain its medieval character which is reflected in the architecture and carvings.  It is one of the few remaining medieval hostelries in the country and stands on grounds thought to have belonged to the Knights Templar.

The Order of the Knights Templar was dissolved in 1322 and the venue seized by King Edward II.

It is thought that the Angel was popular with the wealthy wood merchants in the 13th century as they travelled to attend the great market at Boston.

It is believed that, apart from the cellars, there is little of the original building that would have been visited by King John however the current frontage is thought to be at least 35 inches thick which implies that it may well cover a much older fabric.

The carving over a window of the bar depicts the image of a pelican in piety, that is a pelican feeding her young with her own blood.

In 1947, the wide stone fireplace in the bar was uncovered and later, in 1958 similar fireplace was uncovered in the lounge.

Records show that the licensing hours were long, from 4am to 10pm seven days a week with closure only during Divine Service, Christmas Day and Good Friday.  The Angel however had special dispensation to remain open as long as they liked until every bed was filled.

In 1706, the then landlord, Michael Soloman died leaving a legacy that there should be an annual sermon preaching against the evils of drunkenness each Michaelmas Day.  The sermon is still preached today but now is funded by the Brownlow Trust Fund.

in 1746 a griffin was added to the four square rain-water head.  Glass cases in the King’s room show uniforms in glass cases reflecting the days as a postal centre.

In 1791 Lord Torringon lodged at the Angel and his bill showed that it was cheaper to drink Brandy (one shilling) than a cup of tea (one shilling and sixpence).

There used to be stables for up to 50 horses but now the Angel has a car park at the rear for the use of the guests.

Followers of the Belvoir Hunt kept the stabling busy throughout the year.

The Angel only became the Angel and Royal after the visit of the eldest son of Queen Victoria and heir to the throne, Edward VII when it was agreed that the word royal should be added.  It remained as an inn until the 1920s when it was changed to ‘hotel’

The Angel and Royal Hotel has portraits of all the royalty who have visited or stayed at the hotel displayed in their reception area and they provide a more extensive history in a leaflet available at reception.

For more information on the Angel and Royal Hotel please go to


This banner was created by students of Walton Academy



4. The George Centre


Who lived here

Records dating back to 1292 show that there was a hostelry located on this site with Richard the Taverner listed together with John The Taverner, assumed to be father and son

Richard, Duke of York, bought the tavern from Richard Byngham and associates and it was leased out in 1456 to Richard Coupland, a wealthy wool merchant and burgess of the town.

On the death of the Duke of York, the property passed to Edward, his eldest son as a private residence. When Edward became Kind Edward IV he gave the George together with the lordship of Grantham to his mother, Cicaly Neville, Duchess of York.

She leased the premises to Thomas Webb, vintner, but sadly Mrs Neville died.  She had bequeathed the property to Dame Jane Pesermershe who was a widow ‘for her lifetime’. When Dame Jane passed, it passed to the Fotheringhay College and the college was suppressed by Edward IV during the reformation and ownership of the George merged with the lordship of the town.

During Queen Elizabeth’s reign, it was leased to Richard Crosland for 40 years (from 1580-1620) and it reverted to the Crown in 1606 and was at that time known as the Queen’s Inn. It is notable that Queen Anne, wife of James 1, who then granted a 21 year lease to Richard Greene to commence when Crosland’s tenancy expired. At that time, the lease included a number of dwellings and a meadows, called ‘The Lord’s meandow’ comprising some 18 acres.

The Fillingham family ran the George for over a century since the 1850s although business was affected by the arrival of the railway and a reduction in stagecoaches travelling on the Great North Road.  John Fillingham was also an undertaker and in 1870s was advertising an omnibus hearse for funeral parties.

Ownership passed in 1967 from the Buckminster Estate to Mansfield Breweries, then on to a Harrogate company in 1971 and then a private owner in 1979

Famous Guests of The George Hotel

In 1838 Charles Dickens and Hablot Knight Brown stayed on the way to Yorkshire to research Nicholas Nickleby.

Other famous guests included Katherine Hepburn in 1948.

Whilst not staying at the Hotel, Captain Raymond Hinchcliffe and the Hon Elsie Mackay secretly planned the first cross Atlantic non-stop flight by monoplane.  It was said that the night before the flight Miss Mackay, daughter of Elsie, prepared enough sandwiches and vacuum flasks for three days. 

Sadly it seems that neither made it across the Atlantic as they, and the monoplane, disappeared during the attempted crossing.


There was a hostelry on this site from 1292, originally called Le George, The ‘le’ meant ‘Saint’ so it was named after Saint George, who slayed the dragon.  As Cromwell banned ‘Saint’ the focus changed to George III who was then depicted on the sign, however this had not been the original meaning of the place being called the George and one might consider it inappropriate to the history of the building.

Being on the Great North Road, it was popular as a rest stop for stagecoaches.

IN 1740 the gingerbread man was made in the hotel and was sold in all the bakeries around Grantham.  Apparently the ginger bread man was made in error when William Egglestone used the wrong ingredients.  This is what we might call a ‘happy accident’ as the biscuits became very popular and even now the football team are affectionately referred to as the ‘Grantham Gingerbreads’

It was damaged in 1770s by a large fire between Butcher Row and Guildhall Street and in 1780 it was replaced with a Georgian property during a period of rebuilding into what older Grantham residents will know as The George Hotel. The keystone at the entrance was dated 1789.

It was demolished in 1780 and a rebuilt hotel known as the George Hotel established and the keystone at the entrance is dated 1789.

It was briefly renamed the ‘George and Blue Boar’ in the 1820’s but the named doesn’t seem to have lasted long with it reverting back to The George Hotel.

With the decline of the stagecoach industry, much of the George was no longer in use, including the stables and yard and in 1991, the George Hotel was converted to The George Shopping Centre.  When it first opened, it was a popular shopping place with many shops including clothing, a wine bar, restaurants, the Body Shop, a computer shop, a gym etc.  Sadly, following the decline of the High Street due to a change in shopping habits, a number of shops remain empty despite reasonable rent charges for new entrepreneurs.


This banner was created by Grantham College students, Jessica Farrad, Katelyn Miller, TJ Young, Monika Czyzak, Luanda Zondo.



5. No95 Barbershop

Who lived here

In 1891 a gentleman by the name of Frederick Fletcher lived here with his wife, daughter, Beatrice and two servants.  He operated as a wine and spirit merchants. 

He was followed by Charles Frederick, an Ironmonger who lived there with his wife and two sons and a daughter, all listed as scholars.

By 1911 the main shop was still a wine merchants however the upstairs was residential and occupied by Henrietta Everard and her daughter, Emma.  Henrietta lived off private means whilst her daughter worked as a music teacher.

From 1914, Ernest K Trotter, the son of Frederick Trotter (dental surgeon who traded from 35 High Street) was a ladies and gents tailor making riding habits and breeches.  Mr E K Trotter was part of the Grantham Town development committee which introduced new industry to Grantham including Neals Cranes and Aveling Barford. (Grantham Matters)


The venue has been a wine and sprit merchants, an ironmongers, a ladies and gents tailoring business, specialising in riding outfits and is now a successful barber shop.

For more information on No95 Barbershop please go to


This banner was created by students of KGGS



6. Nationwide Building Society


Who lived here

We know that Edward Brewster, listed as a currier, lived here with his wife, daughter, son and sister (annuitant).  They had three servants and a journey man (another currier) living with them.

Between 1881 and 1901 a tobacconist by the name of William Lee, together with his wife, four daughters, his son, who was a newspaper reporter, a shop assistant and a servant occupied the premises.

1911 shows Annie Lee, a tobacconist at the premises although it is uncertain whether she was the widow of her husband, or one of the daughters who had taken over the family business. She lived here with a sister and a cousin.


It seems that this venue spent much of its early life as a tobacconists however in later years we discovered it became Middleton’s fruit shop in the 1950’s and between 1956 and 1966 it was Michael Reed’s a gents clothing outlet before being the Nationwide Building Society. 

For more information on Nationwide Building Society please go to


This banner was created by Grantham College students, Jessica Farrad, Katelyn Miller, TJ Young, Monika Czyzak, Luanda Zondo.



7. Barberzone


Who lived here

Records show that in 1861 this venue was occupied by Henry Healy, a hairdresser and tobacconist together with his wife, son, daughter and a lodger that was a wine merchant’s clerk

In 1981 Joseph Dawson together with his wife, daughter, sister in law and a boarder occupied the building.  They were a linen draper and coal merchants.  He occupied the building for at least 30 years as he was still there in 1921, by which time he was enjoying his retirement with his wife and two daughters.  The daughters were working as drapers, and there were no longer any lodgers. The family must have experienced some financial success as they had a servant in 1901 although there is no mention of them still having a servant when they retired, they perhaps had no need once they were no longer working.


It is interesting to note that this shop started life as a barber shop and tobacconists, and is now a modern barber shop.

In the interim it has been a linen draper and coal merchants, and at one time was a charity shop for the RSPCA

It is now back to being a barber shop and notable for the drum set in the window.


This banner was created by students of Walton Academy


8. Melton Mowbray Building Society


Who lived here

In 1861 a widow called Ann Green, who was a watch maker’s mistress, her daughter and son, three granddaughters and two lodgers – an upholsterer and a journeyman (currier).

She was followed by James Wardell (64) in 1871.  His occupation was not listed however as it was The White Hart Hotel, one can think he was a hotelier together with his wife and two female servants.

Prior to becoming the Melton Mowbray Building Society, this property was The White Heart Hotel which has had several different owners over the time before it became a building society.

Occupants included in 1981, Eliza J Osborn (43) listed as a Widow and Hotel Keeper together with her daughter (scholar), mother in law, her niece – who worked there as a barmaid and a lady called Lizzie North who was her companion.

In 1911 Edward Wilson, shown as a licensed victualler on the census, occupied the building with his wife, his sons, one a hatter, clothier and the other an ironmonger.  He also had a daughter who was 5 years old.  In addition to his family, a servant, barstaff and a clerk were also in occupancy 



The building was The White Hart Hotel for many years, in fact since 1460 however the oldest art of the building that still remains is the east wing, built in 1760.When the hotel closed, the frontage was changed and the Melton Mowbray Building Society  now occupy part of what was the hotel.

There are rumours of it being haunted although none of the current staff have seen any.  Stories tell of a regular visitor to the hotel bar took a liking to one of the maids and would attend regularly to speak with her.  He eventually asked her out and was devastated when she declined his offer. He was so angry at being rejected that he waited until she went upstairs to the hotel rooms and, in the middle of the corridor on the first floor, he stabbed her repeatedly in her face and left her to bleed to death.  It is said that the maid’s ghost walks there still, screaming and sobbing, down on her knees shielding her face with her hands to protect her from her attackers.

Although there are rumours of this, and some less harrowing ghost stories, the venue was visited prior to becoming the Melton Mowbray Building Society by Haunted History of Lincolnshire.  They claimed they found no evidence of paranormal activity on their visit, nor did they find the areas said to be haunted having no uncomfortable atmosphere. 


A member of staff at the Melton Mowbray Building Society did mention however, that the staff found the upstairs very creepy and preferred not to go alone if they needed to use the upstairs rooms.

If you use the Melton Mowbray Building Society, you will find the staff are very friendly and helpful so there is no need to be scared nowadays.

For more information on the Melton Mowbray Building Society please go to


This banner was created by students of KGGS

9. Santander

Who lived here

William Reynolds is the first recorded inhabitant, he was a plasterer’s labourer and lived their with his wife Mary, a launderer, his nephew, Arthur Robinson, a scholar and, at the time of the census, a visitor, a fund holder from Norfolk by the name of Robert Robinson.

In 1881 Mary Castle, who was a landowner was in occupancy together with her housekeeper and three visitors.  We are told she was 72 at the time.

Twenty years later in 1901 Theodore Norton (aged 32) whose occupation was a solicitor was there with his wife, daughter and a servant.

He was followed by Thomas Walker, a police sergeant and his wife, address as Guildhall Yard


Apart from when the building was a private dwelling, it became Lloyds Bank and then later, after Lloyds merged with the TSB and moved into their premises across the road onto the High Street where it remains today, Santander moved in and are the current occupiers.

I assume, due to it having been used as a bank prior to Santander, this made the move easy because they would already have the security and safe etc in place.

For more information on Santander please go to


This banner was created by Day break clients, Ethan, Ryan, Sophie, Rhiannon, Tom, Thomas and Harry

10. Guildhall Arts Centre


The original Mansion was once a school with the current building being completed in 1869. It also houses the towns old prison cells.


For more information on the Guildhall Arts Centre please go to


This banner was created by Grantham College students, Jessica Farrad, Katelyn Miller, TJ Young, Monika Czyzak, Luanda Zondo.



11. Wellness


Who lived here

This building was occupied by John Burbridge in 1861.  He was a brewer and Mayor of Grantham – that may have explained his popularity as mayor.  He lived there with his wife, a cook and a house servant so was financially successful.

By 1881 Annie Wyles was in situ, together with her two nieces and two servants.  She is listed as a Widow  with her ‘own means’, suggesting she had family wealth to support her.

Another Widow, by the name of Eliza Easton, occupied the property in 1891, also with two nieces and two servants although it is not clear if there was any connection with Annie Wyles.

The unfortunately named Dr Shipman, a medical practitioner was the occupier in 1911, together with is wife and two servants (a cook and a parlour maid)


The businesses occupying this venue seem to have always had a connection to health as it was at one time a Chemist’s (name unknown) and then a dispensary for Boots the Chemists and now the current owner provides wellbeing and beauty treatments.

For more information on the Wellness please go to


This banner was created by Grantham College students, Jessica Farrad, Katelyn Miller, TJ Young, Monika Czyzak, Luanda Zondo.



12. Jubilee Church


Who lived here?

In 1881 this location was the home of Richard Parker who lived there with his wife and six children.  He was a baker and grocer and they had a lodger and domestic servant.

Later in 1891 Mary Ingleden continued as a grocer and baker with her three sons, William, Arthur and George.  She had a niece who was a dressmaker and they had a lodger who was a steam engine fitter. It is not clear from our research if this was the same lodger as listed in 1881 or someone new.

In 1901 Reuben Barnett and his wife and five daughters, one son and a domestic servant lived here and in 1911 Mary Ann Barnett (widow – and therefore we can presume Reuben’s wife) and her son, Alfred Barnett, who was a baker and confectioner.  They had three of the daughters working as assistant bakers and one daughter training as a teacher. Another trainee baker also lived at the house – no evidence of being the fifth daughter.  They must have been a very busy shop to require all those bakers on one site.

The last record of it being a residence was in 1939 when Alfred Barnett was still there however he was now a confectioner and restauranteur rather than a bakery.


Many local people will remember that this site was occupied by the Co-operative Society (now more likely to be referred to as the Co-op) however, you might not know that prior to this c1954 it was Boots the Chemists which is now situated on the High Street.

Although we mainly associate the Co-op with food nowadays, historically the food side of the business was across the street (now the Tollemache Arms) with this building reserved for non-grocery items such as furniture, toys, prams and clothing. 

There were no loyalty cards for shoppers back then, but you could collect Co-op stamps each time you shopped and then choose items from a catalogue once you had collected enough stamps. Purchasing furniture was a good way to get something from the ‘Co-op book’ because you would get lots of stamps when buying an expensive item.

Once the Co-op closed down it was a bar and then later a Chinese restaurant.  Now it is a Church with a vibrant community café (open Monday, Tuesday and Fridays 9 am – 1pm) and offers a welcoming cuppa and cake for a suggested donation of £1 per item.  The café is open to all and they often have activities happening such as singing and crafting.

The banner depicts the history as a bakery, confectionery, cakes and grocer followed by Boots and later the Co-operative furniture store.

For more information on the Jubilee Church please go to


This banner was created by some of the young people at the church.



13. Stonebridge House


Who lived here

Built in 1858 for John Hardy, founder of Hardy & Co Bank of Westgate.

In 1931 the house was bought by Dorothy Schwind, daughter of Col Hutchinson who was the founder member of Grantham Town Football Club (director of the Grantham brewers Mowbray).  She lived there until 1940 when it was commandeered for the Camden High School for Girls after their school was bombed during WWII.


During it’s time as a school, 300 students and 30 teachers shared facilities with KGGS.  They were living at Stonebridge, St Catherine’s House and with local families.

The house was mainly used as classrooms and some accommodation for the senior teachers and some of the girls.  The girls who resided there said they had to sleep on landings and complained about the food and that their hosts didn’t speak to them, however they used KGGS in the afternoons and made many friends there.

Unfortunately Grantham became a target for the German bombers and so it became dangerous for the children to stay so they were moved to Stamford.

For more information on Stonebridge House please go to


This banner was created by students of KGGS

Wyndham Park Swimming Pool 1950s
St Wulfram's Church
The George Centre
No 95 Barber Shop
nationwide Building Society
Melton Mowbray Building Society
1922_Santander corner
Guildhall Arts Centre
Jubilee Church
Stonebridge House
Lincolnshire One Venues LOV

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